FInsmart Asset Management
Conflict of Interest
Finsmart Asset Management has adopted a conflict of interest policy, which stipulates:
The management of Finsmart Asset Management (Pty) Ltd herewith accepts the company’s responsibilities conferred by the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act and Code as well as its general obligation to transact with clients, potential clients and the public in general in an open and transparent manner.
In order to protect the interests of clients the company’s stated Policy on Conflicts of Interest sets out to achieve:
- The identification of circumstances which may give rise to actual or potential conflicts of interest entailing material risk of damage to client interests;
- To establish appropriate structures and systems to manage any such conflicts; and to maintain systems in an effort to prevent damage to the interests of our clients through identified conflicts of interest.
The following control measures were adopted:
- All representatives and employees have to ensure that the legally required disclosures are made in all instances, in the prescribed format and in a timely manner.
- The provider and its representatives only receive commissions authorised in terms of applicable legislation and at the prescribed rates.
- All gifts and other benefits given and received are entered into the relevant registers. Such registers are open to clients for perusal.
- Any actual or potential conflict of interest must be disclosed to management and will be dealt with in accordance with the policy prescripts.
- Finsmart Asset Management keeps a gift register at its offices, which may be inspected by any client. Finsmart Asset Management is an independent intermediary and has contracts with various product suppliers. Finsmart Asset Management Pty Ltd is not affiliated to any insurer. Finsmart Asset Management does not hold shares in any insurance company and no insurance company have shares in Finsmart Asset Management. Finsmart Asset Management does not receive in excess of 30% of its commission or advice fees from any one insurance company.